+387 51 230 700

Simić dent WORK TIME

Monday - Friday


08:00 - 20:00



09:00 - 13:00



Day off



Vidovdanska 2, Banja Luka

Simić dent CONTACT


+387 65 233 88 (VIBER)


+387 51 230 700


+387 51 230 701



Simić dent
Simić dent


A mechanism of correcting teeth is founded on possibilities of moving teeth with orthodontic devices without any damaging consequences for the tooth, and before all, the possibility of the bone to adjust on the influences of various forces, that is to react on the pressure by degradation, and on the pulling by creation of a new bone.

Mobile orthodontic apparatus

Mobile or movable plate orthodontic apparatus represents the most common aspect of orthodontic apparatus for patients. These apparatuses, in a big percent, are efficient for correcting almost all types of malocclusions, while the procedure of their making is pretty simple and doesn’t represent a big load for a patient. The fact that most of the patients, that these apparatuses are made for, are children is very important because with this is prevented the hostility of children towards these apparatuses.

Mobile plate apparatuses move teeth by making pressure on the tooth crown. They do it through their active elements (hooks, springs, screws and so on). Some of those elements act automatically (hooks and springs), while some must be activated (screws). These orthodontic apparatuses must be worn at night during the sleep, and also MINIMALLY 4 to 5 hours during the day.

Fixed orthodontic apparatuses

Fixed orthodontic apparatuses are, as their name says, set on teeth and in that way only therapist can set them and remove them. Fixing is usually done by special parts, that is through attachments and locks.

A therapy with fixed orthodontic apparatuses is individual and can last from six months to over a year.
However, the orthodontic therapy doesn’t end with taking the fixed apparatus off. It can be considered done only if after the cessation of wearing this apparatus, a new position of teeth is not changed.

From the experience is known that changed teeth, after the cessation of wearing the apparatus, have a tendency to go back to their first position. To prevent this, after taking the fixed apparatus off, are set, so called, retentive apparatuses.

They can also be fixed, but more often they are mobile and by their look they are similar to mobile plate apparatuses (dentures for children). Duration of wearing these dentures depends on, before all, the malocclusion that was treated. Depending on that, these apparatuses are worn from one to several months.
In our office You can choose a fixed orthodontic apparatus with metal or ceramic locks.

Teeth correction with foil – Invisalign

Transparent foils have a remarkable functional effect and they are aesthetically the most acceptable method for getting teeth in the regular position.
Most often, front teeth are moved and the treatment is contained from getting teeth prints and making several thin transparent foils that are worn at night.

Foils, gradually, make pressure on teeth and get them to a wanted position. Treatment usually lasts for several months, and first results are seen very soon. Besides extremely easy maintenance of hygiene, the advantage of this method regarding to classic metal locks, is also in the aesthetic looks.



If you have any questions, suggestions or requests, feel free to contact us via our e-mail form.