+387 51 230 700
Monday - Friday
08:00 - 20:00
09:00 - 13:00
Day off
Vidovdanska 2, Banja Luka
+387 65 233 88 (VIBER)
+387 51 230 700
+387 51 230 701

+387 51 230 700
Monday - Friday
08:00 - 20:00
09:00 - 13:00
Day off
Vidovdanska 2, Banja Luka
+387 65 233 888 (VIBER)
It is never too early to bring Your child with You to meet us. Our approach to children includes a wide plan range of various techniques so that we could solve any problem or prevent its consequences. Before all, we make an effort to free the children of fear and to teach them, that with our and the help of parents, they take care of their teeth.
We dedicate our special attention to the prevention in children age, because we have proven that, with a small effort, it is possible to keep teeth completely healthy and to prevent the highest number of orthodontic irregularities. Examinations and all preventive measures are completely painless, child will relax, and in a friendly environment will learn to trust the dentist. By regular controls all problems could be detected in time, so that the eventual interventions would be minimal, and the child would except them without difficulties.
We will teach Your child together to take care of health, which is a guarantee of beautiful and healthy smile for a lifetime.

Motivation and training course for maintaining oral hygiene
Regular teeth washing
Regular and proper teeth washing represents a basic measure of oral hygiene and this is a necessary condition for prevention of occurrence of tooth decay and gum diseases.
Besides that, only a small number of adults uses proper technique of teeth washing. Washing teeth requires minimum 3 to 5 minutes, within which with regular moves of a brush is removed food, plaque and bacteria from the surface of teeth and tongue.
Fluoridation of teeth is done twice a year with a procedure that is simple, painless and interesting for children. Highly concentrated fluorine in the gel shape is applied on rubber spoons and applied in the mouth of a patient. This procedure lasts for 5 minutes.
Milk tooth extraction (pulling milk teeth)
Oscillation and falling out of milk tooth is a physiological phenomenon, so, it is completely natural and the nature made an effort to make it go by, mostly, without problems.
Root of a milk tooth reabsorbs and tooth begins to oscillate until it falls out. Since the oscillation is painless or has very mild ailments, children usually find it interesting to move the tooth with their tongue or fingers.
Extraction of milk tooth, before or after a period of time that is predicted for that, could lead to certain complications, so it wouldn’t be a bad idea to visit a dentist before it comes to that and to consult with him about upcoming shift of teeth of Your child.
That is a nice opportunity for a child to visit a dentist on a short examination, without fear of any intervention and to relax in the office.
Extraction of milk teeth represents an easy surgical intervention, especially if it is about physiological shift and advanced resorption. It is necessary to have a specially careful approach to a child, with the understanding and patience so that the negative experience or the presence of fear would be avoided. Oral – surgical procedures with children are best to do in morning hours when the kids are rested and fresh. It would be good for children to have a meal and satisfied physiological needs from 1.5 to 2 hours before the intervention.
To prevent complications after extraction of teeth, we give parents instructions about child’s behavior after tooth extraction:
- Do not rinse the mouth
- Do not chew the lips and cheeks (because painful wounds can occur after anesthesia stops working)
- To take mushy and warm food
Fixing children’s teeth
Tooth decay of milk teeth – Circular tooth decay
Circular tooth decay is the most serious form of tooth decay on milk teeth. It is also known as BABY SYNDROME – CHILDREN’ BOTTLES. Tooth decay process makes a fast progress and it occurs usually on incisors of the upper jaw – these teeth are the first ones to erupt, and they are exposed for the long time to various sweetened drinks that are given to children in children’s bottles. While the child is sucking or drinking from the bottle, lower teeth are protected with the tongue so that this tooth decay is rarely localized on them.
Therapy of tooth decay on milk teeth is COMPLEX
Parents should be convinced to CHANGE BAD HABITS IN THE CHILD’S NUTRITION, that have caused tooth decay. It is of crucial importance to REGULARLY AND PROPERLY MAINTAIN ORAL HYGIENE, something that parents are informed and educated about when a child is 12 months old. In partnership with pediatrician, FLUORINE PREPARATIONS should be given to a child, for endogenous and exogenous application.
Doses are determined by dentist who gives instruction for use to a parent. Success of a therapy of the tooth decay is better if a little patient comes in the early phase of the disease. Because of that are necessary THREE-MONTH AND SIX-MONTH CONTROLS AT THE DENTIST’S. In the Centre for aesthetic dentistry Simic DENT there is a possibility of remediation of tooth decay of milk teeth under local anesthesia and filling them with composite materials of different colors (pink, green, orange and so on), which represents an extra stimulation for children for the remediation of tooth decay processes.
Untreated tooth decayed milk teeth or prematurely extracted milk teeth damage:
- normal function of chewing food
- regular phonics
- aesthetics
- they cause various orthodontic teeth anomalies
Covering pits and fissures
An indispensable part of the prevention program is a prophylactic procedure of covering, that is protecting pits and fissures of biting surfaces of teeth from the cariogenic factors in the mouth. This procedure is one of the most efficient methods in the prevention from caries. Primarily are protected first permanent molars that are indubitably the most important teeth for the development and function of organs for chewing.
This simple, painless and safe measure is intended for just erupted teeth, but also for every tooth that is valuated to have a high risk of getting caries. These are minimally invasive dentist procedures that children accept easily, and they contribute to preservation and advancement of health and mouth.
Professional teeth cleaning
This means professional removal of soft and hard deposits off the teeth, such as tartar, concrements, pigmentations and dental plaque, with the use of the ultrasound and rotating brushes and rubbers for polishing. Tooth pastes and solutions that are use in that process are adjusted to Your needs.
Maintaining Your mouth clean is one of the most important things You can do to keep Your smile healthy. Regular controls and cleaning at the dentist’s are very important.
Making splints and mouth guards
Making of the dental guards
Teeth injuries are a common reason for visiting a dentist. Force that acts, whether it was directly on a tooth or through soft tissues and cheeks and lips, could lead to serious injuries of hard dental tissues and dental nerve. These injuries can happen in every life situation, but there are professions and hobbies that carry higher risk of getting hurt. If You are doing contact sports, professionally or for recreation, we offer You the making of the individual guard for teeth and their supporting apparatus, that will neutralize action of weaker, and significantly mitigate damaging effects of stronger forces. Made by the print of You teeth, it is produced from special transparent rubber, without taste and smell, it is pleasant for wearing, it doesn’t impede You while doing sports, and it can prevent serious injuries.
Making of the splints for bruxism
Bruxism is a parafunctional, unconscious and purposeless action of teeth grinding and gnashing. Mostly it occurs during the sleep, we are not aware of it, but told by close people or a dentist during the examination. Besides ruining hard dental tissues, dental nerve is also threatened, because constant irritation leads to changes on it. Bruxism that lasts for many years will unavoidably cause loss of teeth and changes on the jaw joint. An individual splint for bruxism will prevent wasting of hard dental tissues and mitigate changes on the nerve and supporting apparatus. It will not cure the bruxism, but it will significantly alleviate its consequences. If You wear Your splint every night, maintain and change it properly, when it’s damages, then in time new reflex pathways will be created, therefore these moves will get weaker until they are completely gone.
If you have any questions, suggestions or requests, feel free to contact us via our e-mail form.