+387 51 230 700
Monday - Friday
08:00 - 20:00
09:00 - 13:00
Day off
Vidovdanska 2, Banja Luka
+387 65 233 88 (VIBER)
+387 51 230 700
+387 51 230 701

+387 51 230 700
Monday - Friday
08:00 - 20:00
09:00 - 13:00
Day off
Vidovdanska 2, Banja Luka
+387 65 233 888 (VIBER)
Oral surgery deals with surgical treatment and taking care of hard and soft tissues of oral cavity. Considering the fact that it is the most invasive branch of dentistry, it requires special approach, knowledge and devotion, as of the doctors, so of the patients, as well. In the goal of providing the most quality service, dentists of our office make an effort to establish the indications for the surgical treatment by doing the detailed examination, to do necessary pre-surgical preparation and then to provide consultation and a therapy of top experts from this area.
We will try to direct You in the principle and the mode of the surgical treatment, to explain advantages and eventual risks and to try to make Your treatment go by with as little inconvenience and complications as possible.
Teeth extractions (pulling teeth)
This is the most common oral-surgical intervention and it belongs to routine methods of treating. Although we try to keep You from tooth extraction, sometimes, it is really unavoidable. Using modern instruments and careful work, we try to make this ugly experience, for most of the patients, as more pleasant as possible.
If You have any doubts, questions or ailments, contact Your dentist.
Surgical tooth extraction (complicated tooth extraction)
Although a tooth extraction is a routine intervention, a general dentist practitioner does it, it doesn’t last long and it goes by, less or more, without complications, although there are cases when it is necessary to hire the knowledge of a specialized dentist-oral surgeon, as well as the special instruments, to get the tooth out. Whether the tooth extraction is “regular” or “surgical”, it depends, before all, from the tooth itself and from the reason of extraction, then from the position of surrounding anatomic structures, and much less from the knowledge and effort of general dentist. Our doctors try to use all of their skills, knowledge and modern instruments available, but if they estimate that, for Your health, is better that extraction is done by an oral surgeon, in our centre we have top experts from this area.
What does the surgical procedure look like?
Depending on what is the reason of surgical tooth extraction, dentist will plan a way on how to access the tooth, how to remove it and how to take care of the wound. A procedure is done under local anesthesia, the intervention itself is painless but uncomfortable, because, even if You don’t feel the pain, You can feel the pressure. Since the fact that in this procedure is made surgical cut, it is necessary to sew up the tissue. Stitches remain in mouth from 7 to 10 days, and then they are removed. Considering the fact that this is about invasive intervention, it is necessary to stick to the instructions of a dentist about nutrition and a method of maintaining oral hygiene
Apicoectomy and cystectomy
On the end of the tooth root some changes might appear that seem like globular lights on RTG footage. This is about either infective changes-abscesses and granuloma, post-traumatic changes – traumatic cysts, or developing anomalies – developing odontogenic cysts. They are diagnosed mostly by RTG footage, if they are asymptomatic, but very often they give symptoms which involve pain and swelling, so that is the reason for coming to the dentist. A completely correct diagnosis, to see if it is a cyst or granuloma, can only be shown by histopathological analysis of the tissue.
Apicoectomy and cystoectomy are surgical methods of treating periapical changes. It is necessary to remove the change completely from the bone. That is the only reliable way. In the same act is treated the tooth that caused it, the end of the root is shorten and the canal of the root is hermetically closed. If the cystic lesion has seized the larger part of the root, it is necessary to pull out the tooth that has caused it, and to surgically remove the change. An intervention is done under local anesthesia, which is enough for a patient not to feel any pain. Stitches are taken out in a week. A tooth treated like this can stay in the jaw for a very long time and be involved in prosthetic rehabilitation (as one of the carriers of the bridge).
Surgical removal of impacted wisdom teeth
Wisdom teeth (also known as third molar) are teeth that appear on the edge of the mouth between the age of 18 and 25. They are the last to grow of the permanent teeth. A big part of the population doesn’t have enough space in their mouth for these teeth and they end up with their extraction. If they grow and they are set normally in the dental arch, they can be very useful. If You wash them properly, they can last for a lifetime.
Because they are last to grow, very often there isn’t enough space in jaws for them, sometimes they appear in the mouth only a half or aren’t seen at all. Then, we call them impacted teeth.
Why impacted teeth represent a problem?
- Caries
- Infection
- Cysts
- Fracture of the lower jaw
Frenulum is a mucous membrane fold which contains muscle and connective tissues.
In the oral cavity, frenulum is the most prominent on the junction of upper lip and alveolar ridge of upper jaw, set between upper central incisors. Also, frenulum exists on the junction of lower lip and alveolar ridge of lower jaw. The lingual frenulum is located on the junction of tongue and floor of the mouth. All people have frenulums, less or more expressed. If their dimensions are big or if they are located so that they endanger the teeth and their supporting apparatus, or if they interfere with the function of the orofacial system, it is necessary to surgically remove them. Removal of the frenulum or moving its solder is called frenectomy.
It is done under local anesthesia, it is painless and doesn’t last long. The occurrence of complications is very rare, and if they do appear, they have a mild character. Frenulum can also be a cause of the occurrence of recession on teeth which are near to its solder.
By removing it in an early period of life, we can prevent their occurrence, but also, therapy of recession is pointless without the removal of the frenulum. If it is expressed, lingual frenulum might endanger moves of the tongue, therefore it interferes with the chewing, swallowing and talking. Expressed frenulum endangers stability of prosthesis, so in that case, it is removed from the prosthetic indications.
The plastic closure of oro-antral communications
Trauma of the maxillary sinus
This complication can happen during extraction of any lateral tooth in upper jaw. Besides all precautions that are taken, sometimes this complication, practically, is unavoidable because of the size and position of maxillary sinus.
Treating a complication of sinus opening depends on many factors. If it is possible (small hole, no infection), the hole closes with a simple pressure on the ends of the wound. If the hole is too big, then the surgical closing of the wound is done. When it is about injecting a part or a whole root, then the sinus gets open, a suppressed root is removed and the sinus is closed.
If there is a partially erupted tooth in Your mouth, You will notice a piece of gum tissue (operculum) over it, under which gets food and bacteria. That space is unapproachable for cleaning, and also for self-cleaning mechanisms, therefore it often leads to inflammation (pericoronitis). In most of the cases, a tooth like that should be removed because it could lead to serious problems, but sometimes, it is necessary to remove only the soft tissue that bothers.
It is necessary to go to the dentist who will, based on the clinic examination and on the analysis of RTG footage, estimate which therapeutic procedure will adequately solve the issue.
This is about simple surgical procedure that serves as a therapy for pericoronitis (inflammation of dental tissue above unerupted tooth). This is done under local anesthesia, it lasts for about 20 minutes and, mostly, it goes by without, or with very mild ailments. Pain and swelling will reduce themselves in few days, and the tooth will erupt when the time comes. Stick to advices of Your dentist, maintain oral hygiene.
Pre-prosthetic surgery
Modern pre-prosthetic surgery is capable to solve large number of these cases with various operative procedures on surrounding soft and bone tissues, by changing anatomic relations of the denture tray area and in such a way to enable production of functionally satisfying and aesthetically acceptable prosthesis. By detailed analysis of Your problem, we will offer You the most constructive solutions.
A large number of people owns and wears mobile prosthesis. But, smaller percent of them isn’t satisfied with their dentures for many reasons.
Orthodontic surgery
Sometimes, within the orthodontic therapy of some malocclusions, it is necessary to do smaller surgical procedures so that the primary therapy would be enabled or improved.
While planning this intervention, collaboration and cooperation of the team is necessary, and that includes an orthodontist, oral or maxillofacial surgeon, periodontist if needed, but also You dentist who will follow the course of the therapy and control Your teeth and gums.
In our team there are top experts from this area who will lead You through the whole procedure, so that the complete therapy would go by as much pleasant and without complications as possible.
Therapy of alveolitis
A healing disorder that is known in literature as a “dry socket” (dry alveolus).
Frequency of this complication is somewhere from 1,2 to 2,0%. It usually occurs after extraction of gangrenous pulpitis teeth. It occurs more often in the lower than in the upper jaw, also it is more often with men than women, and in the spring rather than in the other seasons.
Gingivectomy – Gummy smile
A correction of gummy smile means prolongation of clinic crown of teeth. This correction is performed routinely, and there are two methods:
- using laser if a smaller correction is necessary.
- classic surgical – periodontal method if bigger corrections are necessary.
Also, these two methods could be combined.
Which method will be used depends on the condition in Your mouth, which is determined by the dentist examination by the oral surgeon. A time needed for the intervention itself depends on the number of teeth that are going to be corrected. Average time is around 30 or 40 minutes.
If you have any questions, suggestions or requests, feel free to contact us via our e-mail form.