+387 51 230 700

Simić dent WORK TIME

Monday - Friday


08:00 - 20:00



09:00 - 13:00



Day off



Vidovdanska 2, Banja Luka

Simić dent CONTACT


+387 65 233 88 (VIBER)


+387 51 230 700


+387 51 230 701



Simić dent
Simić dent


Alarge number of people suffers from some disease of the supporting apparatus of teeth, called periodontal disease, and many of them don’t even know it. Symptoms include bleeding, bad breath and painful and swollen gums. 
An ailment occurs on the edge of gums at first, progressing to deeper tissues – periodontium and jawbone. Between teeth and bones there are spaces which are called periodontal pockets, which get deeper in time, trapping food and making cleaning more difficult, which is convenient for bacteria development, deepening disease. If the disease stays untreated, big defects in bone will cause teeth looseness and falling out. A disease is progressive, it persists with mild symptoms for long time, therefore that is the reason of going late to a dentist. Regular controls and advices of Your dentist, with proper nutrition and oral hygiene can prevent occurrence of this disease, or, if the disease is already there, it is necessary to cure it and stop it by proper treatment.

Conservative therapy of periodontitis

Periodontitis is a disease of the supporting apparatus of teeth. 

It begins on the gums, spreads over periodontal onto the bone. According to the flow it can be acute and chronic. Acute periodontitis rarely appears as an isolated disease, more often it is a part of some general diseases or syndromes, and as a part of congenital or acquired immunodeficiency, as well. Chronic periodontitis is way more often. The biggest problem with this disease is that so much time goes by without symptoms or with very mild ailments, therefore, it is undiagnosed for very long time, unfortunately. By diagnosis and a therapy begun right on time, stopping of pathological process is accomplished, and by regenerative therapy and maintaining achieved results a complete recovery of structures.
However, untreated periodontitis causes loss of teeth, and the loss of bone, as well, therefore subsequent prosthetic rehabilitation is significantly more difficult.

Periodontitis therapy
Periodontitis cannot be cured, only stopped. Sometimes damages tissues and bones can be renewed, but unfortunately, in the largest number of cases it doesn’t happen. Treating disease can only stop further progress of declension of the supporting apparatus of teeth, but it will better the health of Your teeth and mouth. Therapy is long lasting because periodontitis is a disease that comes back and must be under control. The only solution is – prevention. Treatment that You need depends on how serious the disease is, respectively from the stadium of Your periodontitis. Dentists classify periodontitis as a mild, moderate or difficult.
In the initial phase, when gingivitis occurs, a treatment is very simple because pockets are slight and they don’t need a special treatment. Tartar and dental plaque we remove successfully with special device which uses ultrasound vibrations that rack tartar. After ultrasound treatment, we polish teeth with brushes and rubbers with the addition of special toothpaste until tartar is completely gone. We recommend mouth washing with special solutions, and in some cases we prescribe medical therapy.

Curettage of periodontal pockets

With a clinic examination, a doctor diagnoses periodontitis based on clinic symptoms, and according to the level of their expression, he determines a stadium of diseases:


  • Swelling and redness of the gums
  • Bleeding
  • Presence of periodontal pockets and presence of tartar, suppuration, concrements
  • Gingival recession
  • Oscillation and migration of teeth, teeth looseness and falling out

If the periodontal pockets are evident, after basic therapy we approach to elimination or to the important reduction of them. Depending on the localization and other charasteristics of periodontal pockets we take their treatment (curettage) or surgical treatment (flap surgery). The intervention is painless and it is done under local anesthesia. The treatment of periodontal pockets is a theraupetic intervention that removes all pathologically changed tissues of periodontium. In the processing of periodontal pockets with proper curettes is removed pathologically changed tissue of gingiva, so this procedure is called curettage of periodontal pockets.

Surgical therapy

If a conservative therapy doesn't give wanted results, then it is necessary to approach to surgical methods of treatment. Before any type of a surgery, it is necessary to calm the acute symptoms, to set regular indications and to estimate the risks and the prognosis of the therapy.  We will try to explain You the procedure of the treatment and to enable You top experts from this section. The most common causes of receding gums around some teeth are:



During closing the jaws some teeth might get in the contact more than other teeth. This relation of teeth is called traumatic contact because it leads to overload (traumatization) of those teeth. The consequences of the traumatic, that is the early contact are destructive changes on the gums and on the bone tissue. The most common causes of the early contact of teeth are:


Loss of tooth - Loss of tooth brings leaning of the adjacent teeth and then those teeth are no longer equally burdened. Also, teeth from the opposite jaw „emerge“ on the empty space made of tooth loss and cause the moving of the lower jaw more difficult, and they are the cause of functioning of the mighty forces on some teeth, and they themselves could be exposed to function of mentioned forces.


Orthodontic anomalies of teeth and/or dental strings - Similar to loss of teeth, various irregularities, before all, of the position of some teeth or group of teeth have for a consequence to make those forces that act in the mouth on those teeth differently than when they are in their normal position and those teeth get overloaded. As a consequence of acting of these forces, comes to receding gums and loss of bones, mostly on one side of the tooth only.

Also, these anomalies make selfcleaning and cleaning of oral cavity difficult, which enables easier accumulation of dental plaque, tartar and concrements that for a consequence has the deterioration of the clinical picture.



Using horizontal moves, brush with hard fibers and use of higher pressure than needed during washing teeth is defined as the aggressive brushing teeth.That for a consequence has damaging soft tissues, that is gums, and that is manifested with their receding, and with the appearance of the shallow defects on stripped part of the tooth, that is the root.



During disorder in the development, merge of frenulum and blister (mucous plications in mouth) can be in close proximity to edge of gingiva. Then during the food chewing, mimicry, teeth washing and similar, through them is transfered traction on gingiva in the middle of which the edge of gums is separated from the teeth and then comes to its moving and to the abrasion of tooth neck.



Too wide crowns, fillings which protrude, prosthetics that are cause of traumatic contact...

Laser therapy

It works very efficiently both on soft and hard tissues of oral cavity.
The effect of a laser on soft tissues provides a less invasive „surgery without blood“, a minimum of post-operative complications and a painless intervention. Surgical indications for the appliance of laser on soft tissues are numerous: gingivectomy, frenulum removal, incision and drainage of apscesses, closing of the fistula, detection of implants, treatment of peri-implantitis...

Nowadays, the use of the laser is an indispensable part of the successful therapy of periodontal diseases because it has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal action. By destroying bacteria in inflammated gums, it comes to healing the gingivits and stopping the progress of periodontitis as the most common disease of oral cavity of the modern man.



If you have any questions, suggestions or requests, feel free to contact us via our e-mail form.